Monday, January 31, 2011



"He said the first Sufi was a son of Adam, namely, Shith 'alayhi as-salam or Seth, who was a sibling of Cain and Abel ... Seth is remembered as a prophet among the children of Adam and Eve. But in a parallel body of traditional lore he has another significance and another name. He is called Agathedaemon.
Now, Agathadaemon is remembered in this parallel tradition as the teacher of Hermes Trismegistus."
--Green Hermeticism: Alchemy and Ecology

In gnosticism, Seth is seen as a replacement given by God for Abel, whom Cain had slain. It is said that late in life, Adam gave Seth secret teachings that would become the kabbalah. The Zohar refers to Seth as "ancestor of all the generations of the tzaddikim" (Hebrew: righteous ones).

"The wickedness of Cain is repeated in Ham. But the descendants of both are shown as the wisest of races on earth; and they are called on this account 'snakes', and the 'sons of snakes', meaning the sons of wisdom, and not of Satan, as some divines would be pleased to have the world understand the term. Enmity has been placed between the 'snake' and the 'woman' only in this mortal phenomenal 'world of man' as 'born of woman'.

Before the carnal fall, the 'snake' was Ophis, the divine wisdom, which needed no matter to procreate men, humanity being utterly spiritual. Hence the war between the snake and the woman, or between spirit and matter."
- M. P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled

Friday, January 28, 2011

La Très Sainte Trinosophie

The various texts are written in Chaldean Hebrew, Ionic Greek, Arabic, Syriac, cuneiform, Greek hieroglyphics, and ideographs. The keynote throughout this material is that of the approach of the age when the Leg of the Grand Man and the Waterman of the Zodiac shall meet in conjunction at the equinox and end a grand 400,000-year cycle. This points to a culmination of eons, as mentioned in the Apocalypse: "Behold! I make a new heaven and a new earth," meaning a series of new cycles and a new humanity.
--Manly P. Hall

the agony of birth

This beautiful print depicts a Rosicrucian Crucifixion symbolizing Man, crucified, passes through death upon the symbol of life and attains to life upon the symbol of death.

As Manly P. Hall says, “The break between the Self and the not-self is thus complete and the spirit, emerging from its chrysalis, leaves the empty shell behind as the token of its attainment. The agony of the Savior is not the agony of death but the agony of birth. Only to him who has found his life by losing it is the mystery comprehensible.”

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Exodus 6:2,3 God spoke to Moses and said to him, "I am YHVH. I revealed Myself to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty (El Shaddai), and did not allow them to know Me by My name YHVH." --The Living Torah: A New Translation Based on Traditional Jewish Sources by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan

YHVH, commonly known as the Tetragrammaton - Greek for "four-letter word", is claimed to be the Hebrew name of God.

These hands are divided into twenty-eight sections, each containing a Hebrew letter. Twenty-eight, in Hebrew numbers, spells the word Koach = strength. At the bottom of the hand, the two letters on each hand combine to form YHWH, the name of God. Shefa Tal, Hanau, 1612.


Giotto, Crocefissione, Cappella degli Scrovegni




Monday, January 10, 2011



"The Theban alphabet is a writing system with unknown origins. It was first published in Johannes Trithemius' Polygraphia (1518), in which it was attributed to Honorius of Thebes. Trithemius' student Agrippa (1486–1535) attributed it to Pietro d'Abano (1250–1316).[1] It is also known as the Honorian Alphabet or the Runes of Honorius after the legendary magus (Theban is not, however, a runic alphabet), or the Witches' Alphabet due to its use in modern Wicca and other forms of witchcraft as one of many substitution ciphers to hide magical writings such as the contents of a Book of Shadows from prying eyes. The Theban alphabet bears little resemblance to other alphabets, and has not been found in any previous publications prior to Trithemius'.
There is one-to-one correspondence between Theban and the letters in the old Latin alphabet. The modern characters J, U and W are not represented, and in modern usage these are transliterated using the Theban characters for I, V and V V. Theban letters only exist in a single case. This suggests an origin for Theban as a cipher calqued on Latin, along with the various alphabets described by Trithemius and Agrippa, based on either Latin or Hebrew." wikipedia


"Malachim was an alphabet published by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in the 16th century. It is derived from Hebrew. Other alphabets with a similar origin are Celestial Alphabet and Transitus Fluvii.
"Malachim" is from Hebrew (מלאך, mal'ach), and means "angels" or "messengers"." wikipedia

deep inside

So wet, so bloody, bleed on my heart and make me brave and wound-like.

When I have bedded down my soul in there and dined, then close again.Who sharpens his spear and slits you slightly, he tastes you.

Most dear little side hole, I wish myself entirely inside.

Side shrine! Body and soul passes into thee.

O truly sweet Heart which at the sight of our love is induced to give us love in return.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

bow, arrow

"My arrows never fail --- and yet one arrow

More certain of its aim than mine wakes fire

Behind the chambers of an indifferent heart."


the arrow of magic comes from the bow of desire & intention.


"Geminis may ask themselves, each about the other-- do any of those rooms hold a quality called "faithfulness" or "fidelity"? Yes. But the door to that particular room in the Gemini heart is tightly sealed, and it takes more than a passkey to open it. It takes trust. And it takes time. Two kinds of trust: the complete trust each must give to the other -- and the trust required to believe in yourself, that what you love is really want you need, and all you'll ever need. (That's what takes the time.) But time is free. They can both use as much of it as they like to find that answer within themselves.... and once it's been found and the door unlocked, Gemini will be loyal and true forever after."
--Linda Goodman

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

magic square, sigil, ciphers.

3 x 3 square --- SQUARE OF SATURN

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

MAGIC = 4 1 7 9 3


code under cross



enochian alphabet

"The Enochian alphabet first appeared during the 16th century. The Court Astrologer and Magician, Dr. John Dee (1527-1608) and his associate, Sir Edward Kelly (1555-1597) claimed that the alphabet and the Enochian language was transmitted to them by angels.

The alphabet is used in the practice of Enochian Magic on Enochian Calls or Keys, which are used to call angels."